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In 2022, we were commissioned by Dacorum Borough Council in Hertfordshire to deliver a screen project following their receipt of Additional Restrictions Grant funding.  The area has been fortunate enough to have been picked as a filming location for many productions such as After Life (the most watched British comedy series in the world), Bridgerton, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Legend of Tarzan and some scenes in the hit show Killing Eve.

The Project

Key activity included the development of three dedicated screen tourism features, influencer trip management and content as well as organising a screen tourism development workshop for businesses and promoting the area as a film friendly destination.

We also created new video content and ran a digital campaign primarily using Facebook advertising and Instagram to promote the Dacorum activity, linking through to our three screen tourism features - Filming in Dacorum, An interview with Antilly the Wonderhound and Lights, camera, action...After Life filming locations.  These features garnered over 12,000 page views and the campaign nearly a million impressions.  Our influencer trip with Antilly the Wonderhound in Dacorum was also shared with her 6.8k followers, which resulted in over 900 likes.

Our workshop for businesses focused on how to work with production companies, maximise post-production opportunities, work with Dacorum Borough council to support future filming and how to engage with Visit Herts to support raising the awareness of filming in the Borough and developing screen as a USP for the destination.

We also partnered with FAME Productions Ltd to run a competition which provided location managers with the opportunity to win a leisure visit to Dacorum and enabled us to build a database of industry contacts. This achieved 378 page views, 8K social media impressions and 195 entries.


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10 Best Lane

Tel: 44+ (0)1227 812900
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